Home of the Fall Foliage Festival

Additional Links

Office of the Real Property Tax (Albany) http://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/ Steuben County Government Web Page


Wayland Cohocton Central School http://www.wccsk12.org/

Avoca Central School http://www.avocacsd.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=1 Naples Central School


2012 Tentative/Final Roll http://www.steubencony.org/pages.asp?PID=464

19 Main Street

Atlanta, NY 14808

585-534-5100 ext. 6

Assessor Chairman

Carlton Maxwell

Phone: 585-534-5100 ext. 6

Email: cohoctonassessor@gmail.com

Hours: Monday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Grievance Information: Information on challenging your assessment can be obtained at: www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/publications/orpts/grievancebooklet.pdf

Grievance Night: The Board of Assessment Review meets to hear complaints on Assessments on the fourth Tuesday between the hours of 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Real Property Form 524 must be used to contest your assessment. Forms may be obtained at the Assessor's Office or at: www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/current_forms/orpts/rp524_fill_in.pdf

Exemption Information Basic STAR: The Basic STAR, School Tax Exemption

Filing deadline: March 1

Basic STAR is available to anyone who owns and lives in his or her own home. The application is filed only once until one of the property owners is about to turn sixty-five. You will be required to submit proof of residency and ownership with your completed RP-425 form or the process can be automated by using form RP-425-IVP www.tax.ny.gov/pdf/current_forms/orpts/rp524_fill_in.pdf

Enhanced STAR is available to senior homeowners whose incomes do not exceed the statewide standard. An annual application is required with proof of prior year's income (a NYS filed tax return)

Senior Low Income: Filing Deadline: March 1 Residential property owned by persons 65 years of age or older, owned by at least one of its owners for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to application, and who also meet the income guidelines, are eligible to be partially exempt from general municipal taxes. No exemption may be granted by a school district to property where a resident child attends a public school. No exemptions are allowed for special districts, such as fire districts. An annual application is required with proof of income from prior year. Qualified applicants automatically are eligible for Enhanced STAR.

Low Income Disabled: Filing Deadline March 1 Property that (1) is owned by one or more persons who are designated disabled, and (2) is used exclusively for residential purposes, is partially exempt from general municipal taxes. No exemption may be granted by a school district to property where a resident child attends a public school. An annual application with prior year household income is required.

STAR Program Resource Center:
For any of the following:
   Register for STAR
   Switch to the STAR Credit
   Upgrade to STAR Enhanced
   Respond to a STAR Letter
   Learn About STAR
​   STAR Exemption Information
   Missed deadline to apply for Star Enhanced- Good Cause


Change of Address:
Keep your mailing address current with this office to receive timely tax bills and assessment information.

Address Change Form

PLEASE LET US KNOW: To ensure that our assessment records reflect the most current mailing address, please notify this office of any mailing address changes. This will help ensure you receive important tax and assessment information. Important Legal Dates on the Assessment Calendar: Taxable status date: March 1st Tentative assessment roll filed: May 1st Grievance day: The fourth Tuesday in May Final assessment roll filed: July 1st

All exemptions must be filed by March 1st.

Assessors Office